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6 Parts of a Training Program to Shape Up For Summer

Fitness for the summer includes starting an exercise program. In my previous article, I mentioned several forms of exercise that indicates that there is no one way that was absolutely superior to the other, but all have their place in terms of health, fitness level physical and objectives. That said, however, I can not help thinking that some of you have been sitting there feeling closer to where or how to begin before reading the article.
Accordingly, the article this month focuses on a general format for the design of an exercise program. I think most exercise programs should include the following ingredients in the following order:

1) Core / prehab
2) Preparation Movement / heat dynamics
3) reactive neuromuscular training / plyometrics
4) The weight
5) cardio training
6) Recovery training / flexibility

Core / prehab - Core is defined as all the muscles of the box, or between the shoulders and hips. This will include the abdominal muscles and the lower back. However, the kernel is not limited to these areas. Also included are the muscles around the shoulder blade (scapula) and pelvis (hips). Bridges glutes (buttocks), walking the strip, planks, side planks, the mobility of the scapula and stabilization are just a few examples. The purpose of conducting these types of movements at the beginning of the workout twice, first to activate the kernel before strength training, and the second to help prevent injury. The activation of the nucleus at the beginning of the training is as preheating the oven before cooking.

Preparation Movement / dynamic warm - After a series of basic exercises / prehab I like to have my clients move in preparation warm-up/movement dynamics. The purpose of this section of the training session is to prepare individuals to strength training that follows. My opinion is that this article leads to better strength training performance and reduce the risk of injury by warming the body properly. I try to avoid static stretching here unless necessary as a corrective strategy, often seen in beginners and subsequent rehabilitation.

Reactive neuromuscular training / plyometrics - This type of training is not just for athletes and is suitable for most. However, some people may have certain conditions / injuries that may prohibit such a chronic training. In English, plyometric exercises for the lower body includes movements such as jumping, hopping or jumping / jump. Medicine ball throws and military pumps (with a bang) are examples of exercises upper body plyometrics. More is not better here. Certainly focus on quality rather than quantity. The same is probably true for most areas of learning. The key is proper progressions. Start with the art of take-off and landing, and then slowly move to more advanced movements more explosives. The goal is to improve the power / explosiveness. This type of training also teaches slowdown. Most injuries occur during body deceleration. If the floor after wetting basketball is at one end of the scale, falling from a sidewalk is superior to the other end. Plyometrics training can help in the proper development of these two activities.

Weight: if the activation and movement of the core are prepared preheating, then the part of the driving force training is the actual cooking. Your goals are shaping this article, but here are some general tips for designing your program. Resistance training can be done to improve hypertrophy (muscle size), muscular endurance, muscular strength and muscular strength. These three categories are managed by different repetition ranges, intensities and volumes. In general, muscle strength is ensured by high repetition chains (15 +) and low intensity. Muscle strength was carried out by heavy weights and low reps. Muscular strength is developed through practice "explosive lifts," ie clean and waste with relatively light loads, but at high speeds. Muscle hypertrophy is achieved by moderate / load intensities, moderate number of repetitions (8-12), and high volume (many games and exercises and lots of total work). exercises can be arranged in pairs, large and small, complex circuits /, but is nevertheless generally their group must make larger group of complex muscle first and save the lower complexity of simple movements to the end of the drive circuit or / complex. prefer train movements against isolate muscle groups, pushing, pulling session, lowering the center of gravity to squat or lunges, rotating or more important that you get to fight against rotation and bending or reaching movements. Through training movements instead of muscles in isolation is sure to hit all the major parties in the implementation of a more functional routine is more like the way you move and function in daily life. More for your money.

Otherwise cardio aerobic training called this aspect of training has many benefits for heart health, in addition to burning calories. In this section, I will try to keep things simple and geared towards the average person interested to be more practical compared to competitive endurance athlete. We must first establish the mode of exercise. Will they walk, run, bike, elliptical machine, or a combination of some or all of the above activities? Whatever you choose, for the first two to three weeks, I recommend aerobic training continues to maintain your target heart rate to 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. There are a variety of ways to determine your maximum heart rate beyond this article. 220 - your age has been widely accepted for years, but is now considered as grossly inaccurate. Formula Miller, 217 - (0.85 x age) is slightly more accurate, but misses the mark in some populations. The conclusion is that these formulas are estimates that will be used as starting points. I like the kind of scale of perceived effort that values ​​their effort on a scale of 6-20 with 7 being "very, very light" 13, which is an attempt to be "a bit harsh" 17 is "very difficult" and 20 is that I can not breathe, I must stop. Sixty to seventy percent of the maximum heart rate is about 12 to 15 on the scale of EPR. After several weeks to establish a baseline, or tolerance to aerobic activity, and if deemed appropriate by your doctor, start incorporating intervals shorter races are run 75-85% of your maximum heart rate ( 16-18 RPE) followed by a full recovery within 60% of maximum heart rate. Interval training has been proven to be more effective both aerobic benefits and calorie expenditure. But not for everyone. vigorous aerobic training like running, you must perform an average of 3 times per week for 20 minutes per session.'s more moderate aerobic exercise, such as walking should be more than 5 days per week for 30 minutes per session, as recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine.

Recovery / flexibility training improvement occurs during recovery and not actually during training. Therefore, including rest periods, both around the drive are important to the success of the program. In addition to good nutrition and plenty of rest your body after a hard workout is essential. To be able to get to the next workout quite ready to go back after the body needs to be rested, refueled, and optimally. employment flexibility helps to keep the body in optimal condition so that the appropriate mechanics can be used during training. Flexibility training means not only static stretching, but it is certainly a viable tool for use after and between workouts. Active and dynamic stretching can and should also be used, as well as techniques such as stratification of self-myofascial foam. Over time and through the physical and psychological stress of the fascia, the tissue that surrounds the muscle becomes "distorted" by adhesions / knots. Foam rolling helps to break the adhesions and fascia back to its optimal form. In general, flexibility training is to correct muscle imbalances and maintain proper operation.

As you can see, there are many aspects to consider in designing a training program. To get the best results that you can not afford to leave out an ingredient. These are all facets of the combined addition to getting the results you want training. Hopefully this gives a little more information on what will be the time to plan a complete workout. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email me and I can at least point you in the right direction.

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